Looking back at 2016…

This was a big year for NAHJ-Chicago. We achieved a great deal through different events to empower Latinos in the newsroom. Join us in looking back at some highlights from 2016…
We kicked off 2016 with our 2nd annual Nuevo Comienzo event at Latinicity in downtown Chicago. Temperatures may have been extremely cold that night but everyone who came received a warm welcome and made some great connections with other professionals.
Students took turns connecting with 12 Chicago professionals from all media platforms at our first Speed Networking event.
More than a dozen media outlets participated in our first ever Job Fair this June that resulted in at least four members getting new jobs in the local media industry.
NAHJ Chicago President Natalie Martinez, members Stacey Baca and Sandra Torres owned the catwalk in this year’s Latino Fashion Week in downtown Chicago.
Board members Carly Luque and Carolina Cruz and NAHJ Region 6 Director Blanca Rios were there to show their support.
Members participated in this year’s UNITY Journalists for Diversity’s Summit: “Rethinking Journalism in the Midwest,” with member Teri Arvesu as the keynote speaker.
At a successful open member meeting in November at CBS Chicago members shared ideas for future scholarships and a service project for the upcoming year.
Thank you for all of your support this year, we couldn’t have pulled off so much without each and every one of our amazing members and partners. We hope you’ll join us in 2017 for everything we have planned and all we wish to accomplish to continue with our mission to empower Latinos in newsrooms. Happy New Year, let’s make it our best one yet!
We’ll see you at Nuevo Comienzo 2017! Register here.